SitterCentral is a membership-based online babysitting site dedicated to offering you access to quality sitters.
We take all of the hard work and worry out of finding exceptional sitters.
Your membership allows you direct unlimited access and flexibility to review all of our sitters. You choose a sitter based on your specific date and time of need with all of the unique specifications of your family’s sitting opportunity.
The service we provide is the connection between a sitter and a family. You pay YOUR sitter directly!
We meet face-to-face with each sitter candidate. The sitter will have at least two years babysitting experience.
We guarantee each sitter has been background checked, reference checked, and CPR certified.
A membership with SitterCentral assures you will always be able to choose from sitter’s who are monitored by our unique tracking and feedback system.
Members can be assured the sitter information will always be fresh and informative.